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Simara Blair

Read when you need to remember who you are

I'm inspired by a few of my clients to start this Read When series. A few years back there was a cute trend on Pinterest to create these "open when" letters that you could make for your bff or a significant other. I found myself encouraging a few clients to do this so I thought why not make one myself.

Strengthening our relationships with ourselves can be such a difficult process because it's just different than what may have been practiced for the last xx years. I hope that you'll find some comfort in these gentle reminders to bring you back to yourself.

When you are tempted to absorb judgments and critiques, remember:

  • You overlooked so many offenses in the duration of your relationship. You have given an abundance of grace.

  • You have cried and suffered in silence. You have immense inner strength and resources. So much strength was required for you to stay. That same strength can be redirected to developing a life that you want.

  • You know the cycles that you have gotten sucked into before. You are a learner, you're insightful and self aware.

  • You are not crazy nor is your intuition isn't broken. You can sense when things are off, when you're stressed and overwhelmed. Something within you exists that sends a signal to your consciousness letting you know, you need some comfort, nurturing, care.... listen to it.

  • You have endured so much hardship over the years, you have served your time. It's absolutely ok to change course and approach things differently, even others around you don't see it as important as you do. You know yourself. You know what you need. Trust yourself.

  • Your values may have shifted, but you are not morally void. Take the time to identify what is important for your right now.

Take a moment to dig a little deeper with these journaling prompts. I invite you to notice how your body may respond to some of these questions as well. The information your thoughts and body provide might be good to bring to your next therapy session.


  • Can you give space for what you have offered to others? Think about what you offer to your closest relationships.

  • What do you offer yourself?

  • Define inner strength. How have you displayed inner strength recently? Do you see it as an accessible resource?

  • Jot down recent insights you have had recently, about yourself, close relationships, the world.

  • Can you sense when your intuition is at work? How do you know?

  • What has changed about you?

  • What are your needs right now?

  • Identify 5 values that are informing how you approach life right now.


I have an abundance of internal resources

I offer kindness, grace, and compassion to myself

I am strong in this season of life

I am a learner, insightful and self aware

I intuitively give myself comfort, nurturing and care

I know what I want, I know what I need.

I can trust myself

I am powerful and capable of change

In the voice of the great Queen Ramonda of Wakanda. Remember who you are.

With love,


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