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3 Tips for holiday anxiety

Although we have yet to approach Halloween, stores are already prepping you for sales. Commercials are saturated with deals, trips, and tips for the holiday season. I don't know if you're feeling it yet, but we have definitely entered into one of the most emotional, chaotic, and anxiety provoking times of the year. We wanted to offer you a few tips to help navigate this time of year...

Tip 1: Go Slow

Even though the world around you is all hustle and bustle, resist the urge to run at full speed until Christmas, it will only result in a crash. Do what you can but only within your healthy limits. Try asking yourself a few of these questions:

  1. What do I value about this time of year?

  2. Are there traditions that are important for me to keep?

  3. What expectation or pressure can I let go of this year?

Similar to the previous point, remember that you can say no to that party, no to going over budget, & no to anything else that pushes you beyond your healthy limit.

Tip 2: It's ok to say "no".

There are pressures to perform all around you. Check them at the door. Consider this a gentle reminder that you get to create the rhythms in your life. You can decide to stay home, to spend more or less, to engage in conversations with family and friends. Saying no also means saying yes. Here are a few examples of the power in saying "no".

NO to the drinks at the work holiday party could mean YES to your health goals.

NO to overbooking yourself for all the Christmas parties could mean YES to managing your anxiety and feeling well rested.

NO to purchasing gifts for everyone could mean YES to financial health and minimize post-holiday debt.

Considering all that we are managing this holiday season with pandemic stress, grief and loss, and a yearning for feelings of normalcy- life can feel like a lot right now. We want you to know that you are not alone. You most definitely do not have suffer in silence, we are here.

Our last tip is simple:

Tip 3: Get the gift of counseling.

Give yourself the support you need. If you haven't already established a relationship with a therapist, now is a great time! We are aware of how challenging it can be to take the first step of reaching out. We also know how intense the holiday season can be. Consider this an act of self care and personal investment for your overall health. It's important that we all have resources for heal and healing. Know that you don't have to stay hurt, angry, or stuck in a rut all by your lonesome.

We wish you peace and joy during this holiday season.

With Warmth,

the Strength & Serenity Counseling family

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